C'est pourquoi mes biens aimés fuyez l'idolatrie

Ever since mankind's first masterpieces, artists have been influenced by their predecessors and contemporaries. This influence, whether voluntary or more unconscious, can take various forms, enabling them to go beyond what has been done before.

Artists can develop new ideas, sliding towards the elaboration of new standards or concepts that are established over the course of art history... Those who contribute to establishing these new perspectives gain such recognition as to elevate them to the status of Idols. This is followed by new Idols who have been able to push back these new limits and set themselves apart from those who preceded them.

This perpetual rhythm gives Art History a continuous conversation between old and new, with resonances and oppositions contributing to the enrichment of the artistic canon: the deaf and permanent artistic conversation of History.

This issue has been an important axis in Loïc Le Floch's approach, and from his earliest exhibitions he has often turned to exploring his own artistic references.

Aware of the thread of inspiration that linked Matisse to the artists who followed him, drawn by the radicalism of Fauvism to free themselves from the codes of color and form, fenx has often taken care in his painting to honor these exchanges between spiritual fathers and successors, fascinated by this conversation maintained by History.


Broken beauties